Friday, July 1, 2011

Day 7, June 28, 2011

Frostburg, PA to Connellsville, PA (75 miles)
                             This is cafe and inn where I spent my rest day

Since I good day’s rest, I woke up early to get things organized for my return to the trail. I decided to lighten my load (stuff starts getting heavy when you’re carting it for miles). I was pedaling on the trail by 7:30. There was a slight climb out of Frostburg for about 6 miles or so (2% grade, nothing horrible) until I hit the Eastern Continental Divide. Once I was over the divide, the trail worked in my favor; there was a 1% downhill grade for about 25 miles or so.

Later on in the morning I took a break in Meyersdale. I met two very interesting fellow cyclo-tourists, Tom and Chuck from Akron, OH. They were heading in the opposite direction form me, doing the route from Pittsburgh to D.C. We chatted for a bit. Tom and Chuck are two I.T. guys using some vacation time to explore the trails. They looked to be in their mid to late fifties. They were both very inspirational; let me explain.

Three years ago both Tom and Chuck were obese to the point that they required stomach surgery to address their condition. Since then, through a healthy diet and exercise (mostly bicycling) they were able to keep the weight off and are now in superior physical shape when compared to most men their age. They are riding their bikes nearly three-hundred miles and carrying their equipment with them. These guys prove that with enough determination and simple stick-to-itiveness, one can change his conditions. I was very impressed! Once again, one of the most rewarding aspects of my trip is meeting guys like Chuck & Tom.

Tom & Chuck, Two Motivated Guys, with Blue Velvet (My Bike)

I arrived in Connellsville at about 6:00. The town of Connellsville offers a couple of three-sided shelters as one leaves town on the trail heading towards Pittsburgh. There didn’t seem to be many mosquitoes, so I just stayed in the shelter, rather than setting up my hammock. I read on my Nook for about an hour and went to sleep. I’m going to try and make Pittsburgh tomorrow.


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